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Coaches, Players, Parents and Guardians should read and understand the information below

What is the current guidance and advice from the FA and the Government?

The FA released their latest guidance on the return to competitive training and matches this weekend. We have digested this information and have commenced the necessary work to implement these latest measures. The safety and wellbeing of our players, management, spectators and guests is of upmost importance to us.

The latest FA's guidelines and rules can be found by accessing the following link:


In this latest guidance, the UK Government and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have sanctioned the return of competitive (contact) training and matches. The FA recommend the phased approach and the club will be following this:

  1. Until 31st July 2020, competitive training can commence with up to 30 people providing the necessary risk assessments, plans and briefings to coaches are in place.

  2. From 1st August 2020, competitive matches in the form of pre-season friendlies and small-sided football competitions can commence in line with the club risk assessments, plans and FA rules/guidance.

  3. From 1st September 2020, league matches can commence in line with the club risk assessments, plans and FA rules/guidance.

The club will keep updated with the latest FA guidance/rules throughout this period to ensure compliance.

What will the club be doing?

The club are required to put together a comprehensive plan, risk assessment and implement the necessary safety measures required to allow the resumption of competitive training and matches. We are in the process of doing this.

So far, we have or are in the process of:

  • Digested the information provided by the FA to understand the measures we need to put in place to ensure the safe resumption of competitive training and matches.

  • Updated our risk assessments, plans and guidance in alignment with the FA guidance/rules.

  • Appointeded a COVID-19 Safety Officer who is responsible for the implementation and compliance of COVID-19 safety measures.

  • Purchasing Hand Sanitiser, Disinfectant Spray, Paper Towels and Emergency Aid Face Masks for all our teams including excess stock to allow for replenishment.

  • Implemented system to enable NHS Track and Trace for all training sessions and matches.

  • Hosting briefings with all our coaches to educate them on the safety requirements and expectations to ensure compliance.

Only once coaches and teams have the necessary safety measures in place then they can resume training sessions and eventually matches.

Who is the Club COVID-19 Safety Officer?

The designated Club COVID-19 Safety Officer is:

Sue Billings –        mobile: 07734855554

You should contact Sue if you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19 safety measures.




Football activity can take place with necessary modifications in place to mitigate the transmission risk of COVID-19.

The FA & PHE strongly recommend a phased return to competitive football activity as follows:

  • Until 31 July – When ready, you can begin competitive training, with the overall group size (inclusive of coaches) being limited to 30 people;

  • From August – Competitive matches to begin, for example pre-season fixtures, festivals and small sided football competitions;

  • From September – Grassroots leagues, men’s National League System, Women’s Football Pyramid tiers 3 to 6, and FA Competitions can commence.

Clubs, players, coaches, match officials, league officials, volunteers, parents/carers, spectators and football facility providers should read the FA’s full guidelines, in addition to the latest Government guidance on COVID-19.

A return to competitive football should only happen once clubs and facility providers have completed the necessary risk assessments and comprehensive plans are in place.

A summary of key points to consider from our guidelines are listed for ease below:

  • Everyone should self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual COVID-19 infection you must not participate or attend

  • Clubs and facility providers should ensure that their facility is compliant with current Government legislation and guidance related to COVID-19

  • Competitive training is now permitted, with groups limited to a maximum of 30 people, including coaches

  • Competitive match play is permitted, with social distancing in place before and after the match, and in any breaks in play

  • Players and officials should sanitise hands before and after a game as well as scheduled breaks throughout a game or training session

  • Ball handling should be kept to a minimum with most contact via a boot and the ball disinfected in breaks of play

  • Youth football coaches are encouraged to limit persistent close proximity of participants during match play and training

  • Goal celebrations should be avoided

  • Equipment should not be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in training or matches and thoroughly afterwards. Where possible, coaches should only handle equipment in training

  • Where possible, players, coaches and officials should arrive changed and shower at home. Use of changing and shower facilities must follow government advice on the use of indoor facilities

  • Participants should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and walking or cycling if possible. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle

  • Clubs should keep a record of attendees at a match or training session, including contact details, to support NHS Test and Trace

  • Clubs should ensure they are affiliated with their County Football Association



We understand that with the latest Government rules and FA guidance, some of our teams and their players want to be able to do some form of training within the necessary rules and guidelines. We also understand the importance of ensuring sessions are safe, not just from a COVID-19 perspective, but also to ensure safeguarding, welfare and other necessary protections continue to be in place. Therefore, we have made provisions to allow some training sessions to happen so long as the following items are met and adhered to at all times:

  • The FA rules and guideline

  • Information regarding what to expect from The Club and other participants

​We have checked with our insurance provider who have confirmed that the club liability and personal accident insurance is valid so long as activities conform to the FA & government requirements at all times.

If at any point the club feel that training sessions are not being carried out in strict accordance with the required rules then we will stop sessions.

Club training sessions & team matches will include close contact between participants.

No club member is obliged to participate in a training session / match if they don’t feel that is is right for them due to their personal circumstances.

Parents or guardians who feel they don’t want their child to take part in club activities under the proposed guidelines must make the clubs child welfare officer aware as soon as possible via email.




All players, officials, volunteers and spectators must undergo a self-assessment for any Covid-19- symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in football if they, or someone they live with, has any of the following:

  • A high temperature (above 37.8°C)

  • A new, continuous cough

  • A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste

This check should be done before each training session.

Should any individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must not participate. Instead they should follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.

Anyone who has already been instructed to self-isolate by a health care practitioner or PHE should continue to follow this advice and may not participate.


  1. Complete their respective League / Club Registration for the 2020/21 season

  2. Read the Club Risk Assessment, FA Guidelines and Government Rules.

  3. Complete the COVID-19 Training Consent Form

For players/participants under the age of 18, a parent/guardian must complete the consent forms.

Players/Participants only need to do this once however the COVID-19 Risk Assessment will be updated where necessary with the latest Government announcements, therefore they should regularly review and familiarise themselves with the latest risk assessment.

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